Meticulous planning lies behind any successful project. This is particularly true of the fast-moving scenario within which Microline operates, where flexible, highly automated solutions are essential. Microline meets this need by running two departments. The first is dedicated to the design of mechanical components. It uses state-of-the-art 3-D modelling systems to carry out – among other things – finite element method (FEM) analyses to calculate the structural behaviour of systems. The second specialises in electronics and is divided into a hardware office and a software office. Both use the most up-to-date computer-aided design/engineering (CAD/CAM) programs and software platforms such as the Siemens Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) Portal and Schneider PacDrive. Microline’s know-how, combined with cutting-edge software and hardware, ensures that customers benefit from precise and painstaking design that can be tailored to specific needs.