MICROLINE, Quality Policy
Microline has drawn up a Quality Policy aimed at offering customers a product capable of fully satisfying their needs and expectations, as well as their requirements in terms of internal cost-effectiveness and the constant quest for technological innovation.
The following guidelines have been identified:
- ability to identify customer requirements;
- ability to fulfil what the customer has asked for, identifying the critical aspects concerning the use of the materials employed;
- ability to assure the increasing effectiveness and efficiency of internal processes, in order to build resources for investment;
- ability to assure prompt technological updating of the equipment and instruments tied to fundamental processes;
- ensuring that the policy undergoes periodic review to guarantee its effectiveness and adequacy over time through continual improvement;
- ensuring that present and future products are consistent with the specifications established by European directives and national laws;
- ensuring that personnel are acquainted with the policy and that it is available to the public.
Anzola dell'Emilia 15/01/2018
Download the Microline UNI-EN-ISO-9001:2015 certificate here